Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday at Jerusalem Mills

I made a pre-dusk trip to Jerusalem Mills, a part of the Maryland Park Service Gunpowder River park system. The sun was setting over the hills when I arrived. I forgot that the sun sets earlier here as the river in a valley. I made a bee line upstream from the historic mill parking lot to a spot inside the wood line adjacent to the stream. It was a bit of a hike but worth the calories spent. The snow was knee high in some drift as I made my way to the stream to find a place to photograph. The stream flows with all the snow melt and rain was very fast and high.

12/17 2pm in the backyard as the snow falls faster.

Well, I knew that I was stuck at the house as the snow flew harder and faster as the hours ticked by this day. One more try I said to myself as I bundled up with my camera inside a thick vinyl bag, one lens in my coat pocket and my tripod. Big flakes of snow hit the back of my viewfinder occasionally and the plastic around my lens keep creeping forward in front of the lens as tried to focus. I choose one or two spots and turned in place in the patch of woods behind my neighbors house, trying to work on spot as best I could to try to capture the wintery feel of the afternoon.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

12/17 My backyard recon.

Winter is here! I took a break from shoveling snow to take a few images of the house for my son who is stationed with the Navy in Hawaii (Pearl Harbor). It is in the mid 70s there!

With the camera wrapped in a plastic bag I walked to my back yard to snap a few of the trees and bushes. Waiting for the roads to be plowed a bit more so I decided to post a few of my backyarders.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

12/12 Winter Fare

As we enter the new season of winter, we shift our emphasis from color to pattern. This saturday morning I made the decision to dispense with much needed sleep and venture out to the chilly and breezy December morning. I headed up to one of my favorite places to seek out the creations of the evening's blanket of cold.

Monday, December 7, 2009