With about two hours of sunlight remaining on a quiet Sunday, I just jumped into the car for a quick road trip with no destination planned. Starting first toward Loch Raven Reservoir, I realized that the reservoir is closed to auto traffic during weekends from 10-5, so I departed there and headed toward Baltimore County's Cromwell Valley Park. Upon arrival I decided to use only one lens, my 70-200mm f/2.8 for all my images. The light was a bit harsh with a bright blue sky but I tried to work with the dark shadows as a composition element. Leaving the County park, I headed north up Manor Road toward Long Green Road, stopping where there was any safe place to pull off or stop in the middle of the road and not get run over. The snow blanket from the recent blizzards really helped to simply the composition. I used a tripod when I could put off, but other times I just had to settle for a quick grab shot where there was no place to pull off the road.
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